gamera_sucks wrote in goshdarnspam May 24, 2011 08:56
i should be working on tags, give me your brainmeats, i should be working on everything, stuff, help i'm a dumbass, grimm is queen of the pridelands, copyright violation theater, hey check this out, i should be working on icons
thanoodles wrote in goshdarnspam Apr 26, 2011 13:19
yo ho yo ho a pirate's life for me, :), love like burning, birthday spam motherfuckahs, meerkats galore, *points to eyes; points to your asses*, green lanterns in da hizzouse, happy funtimes, elle is not fat, three foot fish stick, elle wins the internet, release the kraken, but why is the rum gone?, a virtual treasure chest!, c&c is my life, !!!!!!!!, biebirthday, i should be working on icons, apocalypse babies, baby carrots are making me gay, artists with a room full of blow, goodness look at the time!, it's my buh-buh-biiiirthday, only the terriblest, you must be this brave to ride, this is madness, i can taste the rainbow, tacass, hey check this out, boom de ya da, give the art monkey a banana, delicious caek is yours, elle i will slit your throat, for lesbians obviously, the bastard child of anime and comics, we are all elle's cactus, i'm a guardian of an entire planet, bees. my god., pants-off dance-off, hey am i still fat or what, more like oregon trail of butts, c&c eats your sleep, elle is still fat, i know this is annoying i'm so sorry, how does this make you feel, desu, what is love, i will not think of the children, hats make everything better, c&c: we like oatmeal, sparkles are always on the menu, that's it i'm majoring in guitar hero, !!!!!!!, not enough sparkles, dat ass, elle needs to be tempted more, fuck yeah beans, havin' a good time, bueno, covered in bees, birthday sex, elle didn't lose the game, holy lord this thing needs a tagbomb, i'm blue dabadedabadi, elle is fat, sexytime is one of the tags?, let me tell you about a real hero, how many elle tags do we need, everyone is hideous, zuul motherfucker zuul
skalja wrote in goshdarnspam Mar 19, 2011 21:37
a virtual treasure chest, i should be working on tags, i should be working on everything, skalja is fond of sparkles, stealin ur internetz, :), where is your god now, *drags everyone into a circle*, !!!!!!!, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, hey listen, skalja wants to be a moogle, i tagged this, i love internet crap, buuuurdz, release the kraken, baaaaaaby animals, i should be working on icons
temporaltossed wrote in goshdarnspam Feb 15, 2010 20:47
get off the internet, question, apocalypse babies, don't you have anything better to do, i am a small needy child, but they didn't die, don't read this, pointless crap, bedtime stories, what is this post, baaaw, you're my only hope, babypocalypse, ruining childhoods, the crack of dawn, i should be working on icons
gallitrap wrote in goshdarnspam Jun 02, 2009 12:02
attention duelists, buy shamwow or die, i miss u guyz, i will freeze you, eat glass, hijinks, don't you have anything better to do, i must be stopped, chat, i just died in your arms tonight, i'm a guardian of an entire planet, ffffffff, i love c&c, hideous is c&c's favorite word, fffffffffffffffffffffffffff, goddamn ctrl key this is the sixth time, do we really need more tags, don't live in a house of starscream shit, hideous, irrelevant post, olesia is the worst person, covered in bees, dreams can come true, ian is going to kill olesia in her sleep, i will end you and all you love, i should be working on icons